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Since the start of my career, I have been committed to writing a high standard of published work. I have a number of upcoming articles earmarked for scholarly journals currently in peer review. Below are my recent publications.


Frandsen, S., & Morsing, M. (2021). Behind the stigma shield: frontline employees’ emotional response to organizational event stigma at work and at home. Journal of Management Studies.

Publications : Publications

Processes of non-identification: Business school brands and academic faculty.


Frandsen, S., & Huzzard, T. (2021). Processes of non-identification: Business school brands and academic faculty. Scandinavian Journal of Management, 37(3), 101157.

Organizational resistance and autoethnography


Frandsen, S. & Pelly, D. M.  (2020). ”Organizational resistance and autoethnography”.  In Herrmann, A. F. (Ed.). (2020). The Routledge International Handbook of Organizational Autoethnography. London: Routledge, 252-268.

Counter-narratives as analytical strategies


Muller, M., & Frandsen, S. (2021). Counter-narratives as analytical strategies: Methodological implications. In Lueg, K., & Lundholt, M. W. (Eds.). (2020). Routledge Handbook of Counter-Narratives. London: Routledge, p. 110-121.

Organizational resistance and autoethnography


Frandsen, S. & Pelly, D. M.  (2020). ”Organizational resistance and autoethnography”.  In Herrmann, A. F. (Ed.). (2020). The Routledge International Handbook of Organizational Autoethnography. London: Routledge, 252-268.

Identity, Image and Brand


Kärreman, D. & Frandsen, S. (2020). “Identity, Image and Brand”. In Brown, A. Oxford Handbook of Individual Identities in Organizations. Oxford University Press.

Faculty responses to business school branding: a discursive approach.


Frandsen, S., Gotsi, M., Johnston, A., Whittle, A., Frenkel, S., & Spicer, A. (2018). Faculty responses to business school branding: a discursive approach. European Journal of Marketing, 52(5/6), 1128-1153.

The silver bullet of branding


Frandsen, S. (2017). The silver bullet of branding: Fantasies and practices of organizational identity work in organizational identity change processes. Scandinavian Journal of Management. 33(4), 222-234

Organizational image


Frandsen, S. (2017). ”Organizational image” in Scott, C. R. & L. K. Lewis. The International Encyclopedia of Organizational Communication. Wiley-Blackwell.

Counter-Narratives and Organization


Frandsen, S. Lundholdt, M & Kuhn, T. (eds), (2016). Counter-Narratives and Organization. Routledge



Frandsen, S. Lundholdt, M. & Kuhn, T. (2016). ”Introduction”. In Frandsen, S., Lundholdt, M. & Kuhn, T. (eds). Counter-Narratives and Organization.  Routledge, p. 1-14.

Organizational identity negotiations through dominant and counter-narratives


Humle, D. & Frandsen, S. (2016). ”Organizational identity negotiations through dominant and counter-narratives. In Frandsen, S. Lundholdt, M. & Kuhn, T. (eds). Counter-Narratives and Organization. Routledge, p. 105-128.

Examining branding in organizations by using critical organizational ethnography


Frandsen, S. (2016) ”Examining branding in organizations by using critical organizational ethnography” in Reff-Pedersen, A. & Humle, D. M. (eds), Doing Organizational Ethnography. Routledge, p. 56-78. Comments by Dan Kärreman.


Portraits of Call Centre Employees: Understanding control and identity work.

Frandsen, S. (2015). Portraits of Call Centre Employees: Understanding control and identity work. Tamara, 13(3), 162-176

Doing ethnography in a paranoid organization: an autoethnographic account


Frandsen, S. (2015). Doing ethnography in a paranoid organization: an autoethnographic account. Journal of Organizational Ethnography. 4(2), 162-176.

Corporate Branding og Identitet


Frandsen, S.  & Kjærgaard, A.  (2014), “Corporate Branding og Identitet” in Vikkelsø, S.  & Kjær, P. (eds.), Klassisk og Moderne Organisationsteori, Hans Reitzels Forlag, p. 641-663.

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Productive Loose Coupling towards Internal Legitimacy


Frandsen, S., Morsing, M. & Vallentin, S. (2013). Productive Loose Coupling towards Internal Legitimacy. Journal of Management Development, 32(3), s. 236-246

Organizational Image, Identification, and Cynical Distance: Prestigious Professionals in a Low-Prestige Organization


Frandsen, S., (2012). Organizational Image, Identification, and Cynical Distance: Prestigious Professionals in a Low-Prestige Organization. Management Communication Quarterly, 26(3), p. 351-376

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Organisationer som fortællefabrikker


Frandsen, S., Humle, D. & Mathiesen, M. (2011), “Organisationer som fortællefabrikker” in Christian Frankel and Kjeld Schmidt (eds.), Organisationsanalyse, Samfundslitteratur, p. 125-146.

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Udfordringer når CSR anvendes som employer branding strategi


Frandsen, S. & Morsing , M. (2009) “Udfordringer når CSR anvendes som employer branding strategi” in Engelund, H. (ed.), Employer Branding som faglig disciplin, Samfundslitteratur, p. 255-270.

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